2020 High School Recognition
Because of the stay-as-home orders, we were not able to have the High School Recognition meeting on April 23, 2020. So instead, we will publish the names and bios of the 18 students who were selected by each of the 9 High Schools in the Rockford area. Each school nominated an outstanding male and female student to represent their school. They appear in the same order that we would do if we were actually meeting at Memorial Hall, alphabetically by school name.
Auburn High School
Zeke Stockton

Attending Auburn's Gifted Academy, Zeke co=-founded the Debate Club and is a member of the National Honor Society and Model United Nations. He has accumulated several awards, including Knight of the Year for baseball during his junior season.
During his free time, he volunteers at the Rockford Pro-Am, was an election judge for the Rockford Board of Elections, and coaches T-Ball for the Boys and Girls Club. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in the field of law.
Victoria Wu

Music is an integral part of Victoria's life. She is the founder and teacher of the Salvation Army After School Music and Piano Program as well as a member of the Rockford Symphony Youth Orchestra Volunteers. Currently, she is also co-captain of the Varsity Tennis Team.
Victoria was selected to participate as a member of the Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee. She has enjoyed this honor to collaborate and engage with her peers on topics affecting the educational programming for our entire community.
Boylan High School
Zachary Farson

An avid volunteer, Zachary has completed 150+ hours of community service during his four years at Boylan. Some of these activities include leading a 2-day work retreat, working with Alpine Fireside Health Center staff and patients to raise awareness for Alzheimer's disease, helping at the Rockford Wheelchair Basketball Tournament annually, and performing on-site work for the Corpus Christi Monastery of the Poor Clares.
After graduation, he intends to pursue a Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Carroll University.
Abigail Kielty

Currently, Abigail is Student Body President and participates in many activities, including National Honor Society, Math Team, Cheerleading, Student Ambassador, Choir, Ablaze, and Key Club. She was also recognized as Homecoming Queen.
Abigail balances her time between work and volunteering: she started her own tutoring business where she helps kids after school, and she also co-chaired the First Step Against Alzheimer's Event at Alpine Fireside Health Center, where she worked with nursing home leadership and residents.
East High School
Tairiq Bailey

Fascinated by the field of Physics, Tairiq plans to pursue a career as a scientist in a particle accelerator laboratory. While he has always enjoyed the sciences inside the classroom, his love of running and track has filled his time outside of the classroom.
One of his most pivotal moments of his high school career was during his sophomore year in Mississippi. He was invited to participate in Youth Leadership-Jackson, a program offering select students the opportunity to learn behind-=the-scenes how a city like Jackson operates.
Alondra Covarrubius

High school has taught Alondra many lessons that go beyond the curriculum. Through cheer and activities within Student Commissions, she has learned to lead and collaborate with her peers.
With the goal to major in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Alondra plans to attend Western Illinois University in the fall. She will be the first person in her family to attend college. Thankful for the opportunities that Rockford has given her and her family, she would like to return to the Rockford community as a lawyer or police officer.
Jefferson High School
Jordan Holmquist

Jordan says that this community has influenced her to get involved through volunteerism, and she lives by her mon's motto, "see a need, fill a need". At Jefferson High School, Jordan has served as a strudent ambassador, and is a member of Key Club, National Honor Society, the Chairman and Mayor's Youth Leadership Council. She stills finds time to volunteer weekly at Paws and is deeply involved in the Jefferson High School theatre program as the tech director.
Jordan's community service is very important to her and she believes these experiences have shaped her into who she is today and it has served as a catalyst for her goals in nursing. She plans tro study to become a pediatric or neonatal nurse.
Nolan Phapheelom

When Nolan serves, he enjoys taking the load off other's shoulders and making their day better. He volunteers on Fridays at the information desk at SwedishAmerican Health System, where he pushes patients in wheelchairs and answers visitor's questions. He is also class president for two years at Jefferson, where he learned to compromise as a leader and spearhead fundraisers.
Nolan has a challenging schedule, being both a first year student at Rock Valley College and a senior at Jefferson High School. He will transfer to Mizzou in the fall and major in Sociology. He plans on taking the Dental Admission Test and attending a dental school with a future career as a dentist or orthodontist.
Guilford High School
Jasmine Keith

Jasmine is actively involved at Guilford High School as President of the Guilford High School Rotary, The Culture Club, Student Advisory Committee, Medical Science Program, and the National Honor Society. She has provided goodie bags for the homeless, curtains for the Habitat for Humanity house, and provided hat for NICU babies.
Jasmine was chosen by the faculty of the Guilford Health Academy to be an advisor, and gives torus to both students and adults. She is also training at Wesley Willows to be a CNA and enjoys working with the elderly and hearing their stories. Jasmine's dream is to become a pediatric nurse anesthetist and to work with kids in the health field. She will begin her college career at Rock Valley College with a major in biology or nursing and has been accepted to attend the St. Anthony College of Nursing in the spring of 2022.
Dejan Kuljanin

Dejan's volunteerism at Guilford High School is extensive as part of the Guilford High School's Student Ambassador Organization, Student Council, Debate Club, Somos Latinos, Key Club, and the tennis team. He also volunteers as a teacher's assistant to the school counselors and is part of the Inclusion Club, which pairs general education students with special education students.
Dejan will attend Rockford University this fall, pursuing a degree in elementary education. He first knew he wanted to be a teacher when he was working to master English in elementary school, and still wanted to help other students in class top learn.
Harlem High School
Jahiem Chatman

Jahiem has shown leadership in several organizations centered on equity and race, including the Multicultural Student Union at Harlem High School, where they discuss racism and how they can bring awareness and change attitudes in their school. our community and the world. Jahiem attends leadership conferences, and has collected donations of water and medical kits to help the people of the Bahamas.
Jaheim will be attending Santa Fe Community College for one year and then will be transferring to the University of Florida to earn his Bachelor's Degree. He hopes to work with kids and take over his father's business.
Dacoshia Hearns

Dacoshia found confidence from volunteering and her own voice to fight racism through her work with the Multicultural Student Union at Harlem High School. The club has helped her to learn how to handle uncomfortable situations and view different opinions.
Volunteering has led Dacoshia to her dream of becoming a teacher. She has taken childhood education classes, taught preschoolers, worked with elementary students and untimately discovered that he would love to eventually teach high school students to help them find their voice for adulthood.
Rockford Lutheran High School
Jonathan Haney

During his years at Lutheran, Jonathan transformed from a quiet freshman who didn't know anyone, to a very outgoing young man who was selected as one of two captains of the soccer team as a senior. During his time at Lutheran, Jonathan has participated in cross country, bowling, baseball, Eco Club and French Club, and has served as a leader of the freshman orientation program. He also tutors 6th graders, volunteered for Feed My Starving Children, was a T-Ball coach, and scorekeeper for basketball.
Jonathan plans to attend Iowa State University this fall to become a software engineer.
Grace Hoening

Grace has a passion for giving of herself to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. She has worked with several organizations to increase hunger awareness, help reduce food waste, and improve the nutritional experience for thousands. She has also assisted at area church summer camps, helped adolescents develop job readiness and conflict resolution skills.
At Lutheran, Grace has been involved with the Ambassadors Club, National Honor Society, the Tri-M Music Honor Society. She's also participated in theatre, jazz band, academic teams, varsity golf, and performed in the worship band.
After graduation, Grace plans to pursue a career in Music Therapy.