Service Opportunities LETTERS FROM SANTA FURST STAFFING, 120 WEST STATE STREET, park in lot and tell guard you are going to Furst. We will be writing letters to kids who sent letters to Santa at the Stroll on State downtown Saturday. There will be a script to assist us. Spend a couple of hours with your fellow Rotarians and spread some cheer! Some members are already signed up (see below), but join us if you can! Wednesday, November 29, 1-3 p.m. Helen Hill Michelle Ryan Mike Foreman Linda Niemiec Kathy Kwiat-Hess Becky Rundquist Thursday, November 30, 11:30-1:30 (in place of our meeting) Mike Foreman Suzanne Berger Lynn Momberger Mary Ann Norwood Becky Rundquist Paul Von Driska Salvation Army Bell Ringers We have enough bell ringers for December 2. If anyone wants to join Mike Foreman on December 9 from 4-6 at Farm and Fleet on Riverside, please let me know (Becky 815-262-5110). Otherwise, we are all set for that date, too. Thank you, Rotarians, for your Service Above Self!